Monday, April 20, 2015

Day 21/22 Apr 20/22: Review C/E Essay

Today we will go over and review your cause/effect essay. We will also discuss some vocabulary you could use in your essay.

Cause/Effect Essays
Hsueh Hua

Taken from:

1. Finish your cause/effect essay by Wednesday before 11:59pm. Change the Name of the Google Doc. to 'Final C/E Essay' when you are done.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 20 Apr 15: Introduction and Conclusion

Today we will discuss how to write an introduction and conclusion for the cause/effect essay.
Taken from:
Vocabulary Question Cards
Handout "How to Write Introductions and Conclusions"

1. Write your first draft of your cause/effect essay. Do this in your Google Doc below.

Hsueh Hua

Monday, April 13, 2015

Day 19 Apr 13: The Cause/ Effect Paragraph

Today we will go over what you read. Then we will begin to do some activities with the cause/effect paragraph and begin to write a cause/effect paragraph.

Designing Babies Paragraphs
Taken from:

1. TBA

Monday, April 6, 2015

Day 17/18 Apr 6/8: Present Perfect vs. Simple Past/ Cause Effect

Today we will discuss the difference between the simple past and the present perfect in the beginning of the class. In the second half of class we will discuss the cause/effect paragraph.

We will work in your books pp. 67-69 and an outside activity.

Designing Babies Video
Designing Babies Handout
Designing Babies Paragraphs
Present Perfect vs. Simple Past Handout
Review Simple Past vs. Present Perfect
Cause/Effect PPT

Taken from

1) Read pp. 129-148 for next Monday. This will be your same homework for Wednesday. It is about the cause/effect essay.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 16 April 1: Body Paragraphs and the Simple Past vs. Present Perfect

Today we will continue to look at the paragraphs you are writing in class. Then we will begin to discuss the difference between the present perfect and the simple past.

For the first 10 minutes of class, you will work on your paragraph from last class. Then, we will look at the paragraph in terms of audience, purpose, coherence, and cohesion.

Lastly, we will begin discussing the differences between the simple past and the present perfect.