Monday, March 30, 2015

Day 15 Mar 30: Exploring the aspects of a paragraph

Today we will review purpose, audience, and clarity. PP 34-40 in your book.

Then we will go over your homework from last class before break:
1. Go to pg. 52 and complete activity 17, "Writing your own paragraph" this is due in class on Monday March 30. Save the file on your computer.

2. Take a picture of yourself on Spring Break doing something fun! You can have other people in the picture. Send this picture to me so I can share it with the class on Monday when we return.

We will discuss your paragraphs in terms of: audience, purpose, coherence, and cohesion.
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1. Go to (this handout) and read it for next class

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 14 Mar 18: Audience, Purpose, Coherence

Today we will continue with our daily writings with the paragraphs we started last class focusing on: topic sentence, major and minor ideas, and closing sentences.

Then we will begin to discuss audience and purpose (powerpoint), and coherence and cohesion (powerpoint).

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1. Go to pg. 52 and complete activity 17, "Writing your own paragraph" this is due in class on Monday March 30. Save the file on your computer.

2. Take a picture of yourself on Spring Break doing something fun! You can have other people in the picture. Send this picture to me so I can share it with the class on Monday when we return.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 13 Mar 16: Writing Body Paragraphs

Daily Prompt:Write a paragraph with the topic: Student Study Habits for preparing for an exam
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Today we will go over your phrasal verb Homework

Then we will briefly discuss concluding sentences.

Then we will do an activity writing a complete body paragraph.

Lastly, we will begin to discuss pp. 31-59 Purpose, Audience, Clarity and Unity which will continue on Wednesday,

1. Think about:

  • Why knowing your audience is important when writing a paragraph. 
  • Why is it important to understand purpose of an essay?
  • Google "Coherence" and "Cohesion", write down a couple similarities and differences you find about the two terms.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 12 Mar 11: Connecting Sentences

Today we will continue with connecting sentences. We will discuss subordinating conjunctions with practice sentences.

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Different Syntactic Structures
Writing Complex Sentences

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1. Pick your (3) most favorite phrasal verbs. Find (1) picture to represent each verb. (Click here) and put the picture in a slide. Put the name of the phrasal verb in a color and size that is easy to read, and add a definition.
2. Read pp. 31-50. esp Go over: Purpose, , Audience, Clarity, Unity

Monday, March 9, 2015

Day 11 Mar 9: Phrasal Verbs and Connecting Sentences

First we will go over your Phrasal Verbs Mind Maps. We will play another game with phrasal verbs.

Then, we will start to discuss connecting sentences and subordinating conjunctions.

1. Pick (5) subordinating conjunctions and make (5) sentences.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day 10 Mar 4: Phrasal Verbs

Continue your story from yesterday:

Writing Prompt: An adept mountain climber gets to the top of a precarious mountain, but when he looks around, he does not believe what he sees.

Then we will continue to discuss phrasal verbs and work on an activity with phrasal verbs.

Lastly we will discuss connecting sentences.

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 1. Finish Mind Map
2. Watch these videos

Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 9 Mar 2: Phrasal Verbs

Writing Prompt: An adept mountain climber gets to the top of a precarious mountain, but when he looks around, he does not believe what he sees.

First we will go over your homework pg. 14 Activity 10 on supporting sentences. 

Today we will start to discuss phrasal verbs that you know. Then we will talk about some general rules of phrasal verbs. 

Lastly, we will discuss (this handout) on connecting sentences.

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