Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 8 Feb 25: Supporting Sentences

Today we will continue discussing supporting sentences. We will go over your homework.

We will also discuss the supporting sentences in the Cruise to Bahamas paragraphs. 

Lastly, we will begin to discuss phrasal verbs.

Taken from:

1. Read (this handout) on connecting sentences.
2. Do pg. 14 Activity 10
3. Do pg. 169 Activity 9
4. Read pp. 22-23

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 7 Feb 23: Supporting Sentences and Phrasal Verbs

Writing Prompt: Choose (1) of the topic sentences below and write a paragraph:

1. Bilingual dictionaries can help non-native learners in two very important ways

2. Computers have changed people's communication patterns in several ways.

Today we will go over the topic sentences from the Cruise to Bahamas paragraphs. Then we will discuss supporting sentences.

Taken from:

(Handout) on writing paragraphs

Lastly, we will start to go over phrasal verbs.

1. Read pp. 12-13 in your books
2. Complete the handout from what we did not finish in class

Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 5 Feb 11: Topic Sentences

Daily Writing Prompt:
"I'm not going to remember this tomorrow," she said, "But it's really important that you listen."

Today we will review topic sentences. First we do Activity 1, pg. 3. Then we will do Activities 5, 6 pp. 8-10.

Then we will think of a good topic sentence for (this article).

Then we will continue working on prepositions of, for, to.

1. Your topic is: "Cruise to Bahamas". 
Write one paragraph with a proper topic sentence and include the following prepositions in your paragraph:
on, at, in, for, of, to.

Email this paragraph to me before class on Wednesday.

2. No Class on Monday

3. If you have not started evaluating your writing, begin to look at my comments I have given you on your personal Google Doc. and begin to fix and correct your writing from your daily writing.

4. Go to over the weekend and try it out!

5. Go to (this link) Watch the Listening for Homework and write down the phrases with prepositions that you hear. You only need to watch 10 minutes, but you can watch all 45 minutes for fun!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day 4 Feb 9: Prepositions in, at, on

Daily Writing Prompt:

Choose one of the following and explain how to do it:

  • How to do your favorite sport
  • How to do your favorite hobby
  • How to cook your favorite meal

Today we will discuss the prepositions: in, at, on

(Here) is the article we will use in class

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 3: Feb 4 Articles and Punctuation

Today's Schedule:
Taken from:
Writing Prompt: Look at the picture. Explain what the two men see over the fence.

We will continue discussing the grammar of the week and discuss the word of the day.

We will continue the talking about articles in (a worksheet).

We will also discuss advanced uses of punctuation.
Punctuation Worksheet Group 1
Punctuation Worksheet Group 2

1. Read pages in your book 1-11 by next class.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day 2: Feb 2 Articles

Taken from: 

Today's Schedule:

First we will write for 10 minutes on a topic. Then we will learn more information about daily writing assignments and self-checking grammar.

Silly Prompt:

The world’s most useless superhero just arrived at a bank robbery...what happens next?

Serious Prompt:

You’re at the bank, and two men with masks walk in with guns telling everyone they’re there to rob to bank. What do you do and what are your emotions?
The we will discuss the grammar of the week and discuss the word of the day.

Finally, we will read some articles in (a worksheet) about English Articles.

1. Read pages in your book 1-11 by next class.